Western Asia
Iran Rights Index
The Iran Rights Index tracks the Islamic Republic of Iran’s compliance with human rights recommendations made by various United Nations mechanisms.
The Iran Rights Index tracks the Islamic Republic of Iran’s compliance with human rights recommendations made by various United Nations mechanisms.
The UN Forum on Minority Issues database compiles documentation related to advocacy on national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities.
The Election Judgments database compiles national judicial decisions related to electoral processes and outcomes from around the world.
The Human Rights Observatory compiles jurisprudence, laws, reports, treaties and more that affect five vulnerable groups of Filipino society.
The Universal Human Rights Index is a repository of recommendations and observations issued by bodies of the United Nations human rights monitoring system.
RightDocs is a database developed by HURIDOCS that compiles Human Rights Council resolutions, decisions, presidential statements and reports.
The Database of UPR Recommendations and Voluntary Pledges brings together documentation produced by the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
The Human Rights Database from Plan International curates legally binding policies and international soft law from United Nations and regional bodies.
The African Human Rights Case Law Analyser is an online database that provides access to human rights decisions made by regional mechanisms.
SUMMA is an online database that offers access to cases heard by the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights.