Tools for human rights documentation: our 2018 snapshot
All of these tools contribute something important to the human rights documentation field.
All of these tools contribute something important to the human rights documentation field.
This session reaffirmed the need to more accessible descriptions of documentation methodologies.
Migrant Forum Asia and HURIDOCS worked together to create a simple solution for recording violations of labour migration rights among a network of 50+ organisations.
This side event will discuss how human rights evidence and data collection work has been evolving in recent years and how the international community can support these efforts.
El proceso de documentar las desapariciones puede ayudar a las familias a establecer lo que le sucedió a sus seres queridos.
An expanded Uwazi will make it easy to record connections between people, documents, and events in a way that speaks best to the logic of the investigating organisation.
The process of documenting the disappearances can support individual families in establishing what happened to their loved ones.
Lucky for us there are some great resources out there to help organizations identify indicators and monitoring strategies for documenting “progressive realization” of rights.
Prime Time Nationalism | The Role of Television Broadcasts/Archives in the Aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars A conference and workshop organized by the Donald and Vera Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA) at Central European University (CEU) with support from CEU Conferences and Academic Events Fund (CAEF) May 13-14, 2016 | Budapest The manipulative role of […]
At the Human Rights DiploHack, we developed a ‘Self-learning Assessment Framework for Rights’.