This toolkit is published by Association for Progressive Communication Women’s Networking Support Programme and Violence is Not Our Culture (VNC). It was inspired by workshops held in Asia and Africa for the partners and members of the VNC campaign. It can also be a resource for human rights activists who are keen to develop their online activism and want to know where and how to to start.
It is intended to provide the following skills to campaigners:
- An understanding of why and how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be appropriated by women’s rights and human rights groups in their advocacy skills through their use of online tools, including networking and mobile tools for advocacy and campaigning
- The ability to develop an advocacy / communication strategy
- Knowing what social networking is and the various spaces and tools they could use in their online activism
- An understanding of online privacy and security issues relevant to building their online activism.
sommaire en français
Cet outil a été inspiré par des ateliers organisés en Asie et en Afrique pour les partenaires et les membres de la campagne La violence n’est pas notre culture (VNC). Il peut également être une ressource pour les militants des droits humains qui veulent développer leur activisme en ligne et veulent savoir où et comment commencer.
resumen en español
Esta herramienta se inspiró en los talleres celebrados en Asia y África para los socios y miembros de la campaña La violencia no es nuestra cultura (VNC). También puede ser un recurso para activistas de derechos humanos que quieran desarrollar su activismo en línea y quieren saber dónde y cómo empezar.